Tuesday, October 15, 2013


(I made Tay promise he would send at least one picture each week.  Um... I meant from the current week.  But we will take what we can get!)

    Things are going good. My interview went well too. President says that we will have my back looked at when I go in for my other checkup so that we can just kill two birds with one stone. I have found ways to work through it and still be able to get a lot done.  My zone leaders hooked me up to a physical therapy machine and that helped A LOT.  I have thought and prayed about it and I am going to see if I can get everything set up sooner. I have prayed a lot and I can't seem to come up with a straight answer if it is something serious or not.  I will see what I can do to get it taken care of. 
    Yes, I am still getting along super well with my companion and my district. I also feel and know that this is where I am supposed to be every day.

    I received letters from Paula, Logan and Michelle, Nichole, and the Kings (Stephanie's parents).  They really meant a lot to me.
    I am good on medicine for a week or so, so it will work out perfect cuz I'll get the new medicine next week.   :) 
    Glad to hear that JoJo is having fun as well. I can tell by his letters that he is growing up fast! Tell him that he better stop cuz he is to remain my LITTLE brother!
    Um, to be honest, I have not seen any weird stuff down here. The only thing I can think of is that one of the sisters ate a baby octopus the other day and it was pretty funny.  I (so far) haven't eaten anything that I haven't enjoyed.  The food has been great and I have really enjoyed it a lot. 
    I do my laundry at my apartment complex. There is a laundry room that I am able to use with some pretty sick machines. (And yes I only use Tide.)  I actually have gotten compliments on how white I keep my shirts and how they smell good!  That's what happens when I have a momma that teaches me right :)  
    I am actually loving the weather! I don't think I will get sick of it at all.
    Things with investigators are good. We have a new one and his name is *******. He's explained in my letter that you'll get this week.  But ****, actually asked us to teach her more and she is starting to progress pretty well. She committed to reading the Book of Mormon and to pray about it too. We are also getting a lot of referrals and potential investigators, so we'll see what happens soon.   :)  You have no idea how much it means to me that you pray for each of them. 
    Today we found out who's getting transferred and this time, no one from our district is getting transferred! Crazy, huh? 
    Other than that, things are great. I love and miss you more than anything and I appreciate everything you have done for me. 
    Elder Davis

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